盖尔维. 毕比,Ph值.D.
盖尔维. 毕比在担任密歇根州斯普林阿伯大学校长7年后,于2007年成为韦斯特蒙特大学第八任校长. His inauguration in 2008 featured speeches by Steve Forbes, chief executive officer of Forbes, 和Steve Sample, former president of the University of Southern California. Read more about the 总统.
我们迎接了大约400名一年级和转学生到校园参加新命名的活动 战士欢迎 8月. 24-27. WCSA主席纳什·加维和我在入口处向家庭做了自我介绍,并欢迎他们来到勇士家庭. While we can say lots of positive things about these new students, 我们特别高兴的是,我们与全国的趋势相反,男性学生的数量比去年增加了9%. 男生占新生的45%,这是自20世纪80年代初以来该学院的最高比例. We credit our innovative new programs, including engineering, data analytics and computer science, as well as the move to NCAA DII, 对于这种增长.
Westmont Baseball Wins the World Series
我们庆祝Westmont ag娱乐官网在美国国家体育协会(NAIA)的最后一个赛季的最好结局:棒球队跳进庆祝的狗堆里. The Warriors secured a 7-6 World Series victory over the hosts, Lewis-Clark状态, claiming the college’s 10th national championship, 这是韦斯特蒙特棒球队的第一次,也是勇士队51年来的第一次.
ag娱乐官网. 气候. 行动. 会议
A special thanks to Professors Amanda Sparkman and Marianne Robins, 谁共同主持并主持了6月25日至7月2日在校园里成功举行的基督教气候变化会议. 大约40名来自基督教学院和大学的学生和教师在“ag娱乐官网”上了解了气候变化及其广泛影响. 气候. 行动: A Workshop on Christian 气候 Advocacy. ” We welcomed about two dozen top scholars to campus to speak at the event, which included outdoor worship services, hikes and hands-on planting in the college’s garden. To learn more, click 在这里.
Westmont enters its NCAA Division II Era
Our Warriors now compete in Division II of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and play against new and renewed rivals in the PacWest 会议. 我们相信
这次进入NCAA DII将为我们的大学生运动员提供更好的机会和经验. Congratulations to Coach Ruth McGolpin and the volleyball team, 成为大学历史上第一支作为NCAA DII成员赢得比赛的球队. 左拉Sokhela, Westmont’s 14-time NAIA All-American, earned PacWest Runner of the Week, the first NCAA DII honor given to a Westmont athlete. Two weeks later, Zola won the conference honor again. 男女足球队也在最近的比赛中击败了比奥拉老鹰队.
We hope you’ll join us at the Celebration of 夏天的研究 Friday, 10月. 13, 在冬厅, w在这里 about 45 students will present their work, including some who traveled to 厄瓜多尔, Chile and Switzerland. Seven engineering students joined Professor Dan Jensen on a trip to Quito, 厄瓜多尔, w在这里 they shared their love of science, 技术, engineering and math with children in an afterschool program. Ben Carlson sent three students to conduct reSearch at CERN in Geneva, 而另一名学生获得了美国ATLAS杰出研究人员暑期本科项目(SUPER)的奖励,继续在劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室进行研究. 伊藤珍和她的两个物理学生在智利海拔17000英尺的地方进行了研究. reSearch by Westmont professors and students 在这里.
New Board of Trustee Members
五月,我们欢迎Mary Barbour和Marcus ' 好呀! ' Goodloe加入董事会. Mary’s daughter Anna graduated from Westmont in 2022, and 好呀!’s daughter Hannah will graduate in spring 2024. 玛丽和古迪在被选为受托人之前曾在家长委员会任职. Mary is from Pennsylvania, w在这里 she has been an active community volunteer. 好呀!, who earned a doctorate from Dallas Baptist University and authored three books, travels the country mentoring others about leadership, character formation and faith. To learn more, click 在这里.
Westmont Soars in Latest Rankings
Westmont jumped 16 spots in U.S. 新闻 & 《ag娱乐官网》公布的2024年全美最佳大学文科排名,这是该学院自2010年以来的最大涨幅. For the 19th straight year, 韦斯特蒙特大学是全美两所顶尖的基督教文理学院之一,也是全美排名第一的大学. 1 Christian liberal arts college in California and the western United States. Westmont is a top performer in the U.S. 新闻 Social Mobility ranking, 衡量学校招收和毕业获得联邦佩尔助学金的学生的情况. The college rose 14 spots and is ranked at No. 在社会流动性方面排名并列第137位,是加州排名前十的文理学院之一. For additional rankings, go 在这里.
100 Percent Success Rate with the Grotenhuis Nursing Program
今年秋天, 威斯蒙特下城区|格罗腾豪斯护理学院迎来了下一批22名学生——18名女性和4名男性——来到威斯蒙特下城区校区. 与此同时, 我们首届护理学加速学士学位的所有八名毕业生都成功通过了全国注册护士执照考试委员会,并开始了护士的职业生涯. Half of these nurses serve in Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties. To learn more, click 在这里.
Installation of the Adams Chair
我们庆祝了Siegwart ' Zig ' Reichwald的礼物,并正式任命他为亚当斯音乐和崇拜教授-所有这些都是9月9日美妙音乐日的一部分. 29. 安装服务的众多亮点之一是听到由我们自己的史蒂夫巴特勒创作的诗篇121的首演设置. The service can be viewed 在线.
Homecoming: Return of the Warriors
We welcome alums back to campus for 2023年回国 10月. 并在年度校友奖庆祝早午餐上表彰四位杰出人士. This year's honorees are Jay (Ofori) Diallo ’08 (Alumnus of the Year); Jenise Steverding '97 (Alumna of the Year); Carl LaBarbera ’76 (Global Service); and Gabriella (Pinheiro Chavez) Avila ’14 (Young Alum) for their remarkable achievements in their personal careers.
Engineering's New Facility is Open
的奉献 The Fletcher Jones Foundation Engineering Building at Westmont College will occur on 10月ober 20, with an open house at 4:30 pm and program at at 5:15 pm. 韦斯特蒙特正在帮助满足工程领域的关键需求:在文科基础扎实的工程师, advanced technical competence, and thorough training in Design Innovation. 随着学生人数逐年增长,威斯蒙特大学于2019年秋季开设了机械工程专业的工程学士学位. 揭幕仪式和剪彩仪式将正式标志着这个万众期待的设施的开幕.
Our many fall events include celebration of summer reSearch, 艺术展览, 讲座, 音乐会, theatrical productions and competition by our volleyball, soccer and cross country teams.
在我开始担任韦斯特蒙特校长的第17个年头之际,我能想到很多值得感恩的理由. 我很高兴与大家分享这个独特而非凡的大学ag娱乐官网的重大更新和活动. 我很高兴在即将到来的活动中见到你,希望你能参与我们充满活力的校园生活!
盖尔维. 毕比,Ph值.D.